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孙画婳博士,特聘研究员、博士生导师,南开大学“百名青年学术带头人”。2013年毕业于南京农业大学植物保护专业,获学士学位。2018年毕业于南京农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业,获博士学位。2017年至2021年先后于美国密歇根州立大学、范德堡大学Laurence Zwiebel教授课题组、杜克大学Ke Dong教授课题组开展昆虫电压门控钠离子通道功能与药理学特性、昆虫嗅觉识别与化学感受的神经编码机制等相关研究。2022年6月加入南开大学化学学院元素有机化学国家重点实验室独立开展研究工作。现因科研工作需要,诚邀博士、硕士研究生(每年2名博士,2名硕士)、博士后、科研助理等各类人才加盟!欢迎对昆虫神经生理与靶标药理学等相关方向感兴趣、热爱科学研究的人才来信咨询,本招聘长期有效。








1. 博士研究生、硕士研究生:欢迎植物保护、农业昆虫与害虫防治、农药学、生命科学等相关专业应往届本科生、硕士生报考攻读硕士、博士学位。尤其欢迎有生物信息学、神经电生理学、分子生物学、神经科学等相关研究经历的硕士生报考“申请考核制”博士生。


2. 本科生:本课题组热忱欢迎本科生进入课题组交流学习,开展本科毕业设计等相关研究。

3. 博士后:已获得博士学位或即将获得博士学位,具有严谨的科学作风和高度的工作热情;具有良好的英文听说读写能力,能够熟练写作科技论文。尤其欢迎具有生物信息学、神经电生理学、神经科学、药物分子设计等相关研究经历的人才咨询并加盟!


 4. 科研助理:具有本科及以上学位,有沉稳、细心、有耐心等特点,将从事神经电生理、昆虫胚胎显微注射、昆虫饲养等实验工作,课题组提供所需技术培训。并协助课题组长完成实验室管理等其他相关工作。




Huahua Sun#, Feng Liu#, Adam Baker, H. Willi Honegger, Georg Raiser, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Neuronal odor coding in the larval sensory cone of Anopheles coluzzii: complex responses from a simple system, Cell Reports, 2021, 36:109555.

Huahua Sun#, Feng Liu#, Zi Ye, Adam Baker, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Mutagenesis of the orco odorant receptor co-receptor impairs olfactory function in the malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020,127: 103497.

Huahua Sun, Yoshiko Nomura, Yuzhe Du, Zewen Liu, Boris S. Zhorov, and Ke Dong, Characterization of two kdr mutations at predicted pyrethroid receptor site 2 in the sodium channels of Aedes aegypti and Nilaparvata lugens, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibmb.2022.103814

Huahua Sun, Yuzhe Du, Zewen Liu, and Ke Dong, Distinct functional properties of sodium channel variants are associated with usage of alternative exons in Nilaparvata lugens, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020,118: 103292.

Huahua Sun#, Yang Liu#, Jian Li, Xinzhu Cang, Haibo Bao, and Zewen Liu, The potential subunits involved in two subtypes of α-Bgt-resistant nAChRs in cockroach dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2017, 81: 32-40.

Huahua Sun, Baojun Yang, Yixi Zhang, and Zewen Liu, Metabolic resistance in Nilaparvata lugens to etofenprox, a non-pyrethroid insecticide, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2017, 136: 23-28.

Feng Liu#, Huahua Sun#, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Physiological and behavioral characterization of larval olfaction in the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles coluzzii, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2022. In Press.

Zi Ye#, Feng Liu#, Huahua Sun, Adam Baker, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Discrete roles of the Ir76b ionotropic co-receptor impact olfaction, blood feeding, and mating in the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles coluzzii, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119 (23): e2112385119.

Zi Ye, Feng Liu#, Huahua Sun#, Mackenzie Barker, R. Jason Pitts, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Heterogeneous expression of the ammonium transporter AgAmt in chemosensory appendages of the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020, 120: 103360.

Feng Liu#, Zi Ye#, Adam Baker, Huahua Sun, and Laurence J. Zwiebel, Gene editing reveals obligate and modulatory components of the CO2 receptor complex in the malaria vector, Anopheles coluzzii, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020, 127: 103470.

